Feral Forecast Episode One: Getting UnStuck

The Eight of  Swords – we've been in a pattern of over thinking, or maybe thinking ourselves out of what we can do.  The eight of swords is about feeling trapped, but the cage is all in your mind. Self Doubt is often a less insidious seeming form of Self Hate.  This is an opportunity to look at the ways we’ve used supposed pragmatism and playing it safe to  keep ourselves from really taking the risks necessary to live our best life.  Everything worth having or experiencing requires openness.

Two of Swords Reversed – Indecision, or avoiding making a decision.  We’re at a crossroads, but we’re hesitating to take the first steps.  This can also mean feeling like being in a no-win situation.  All we can do is try and take the baby steps towards more and more alignment.  If we’ve spent a lot of time out of alignment, reclaiming who we are can feel like a painful and terrifying process, but it’s one we know deep down we will have to do. If not now, then eventually.

Knight of Swords Reversed – There's a tendency to want to rush into things, or maybe to force them into existence. This is usually related to a discomfort with vulnerability.  But when we rush or try and force, we often miss out on how good things could be. We don’t stay as open to what could be and we grab on to the first opportunity that seems sort of half way right, even if it’s not really what we want.  Resist the urge to jump the gun so to speak.

The two of crystals reversed – our relationship to success is out of balance. Maybe we’re looking at the wrong metrics of success or we’re waiting for the outside world to affirm us.  When the two of crystals is right side up it is usually indicative finding a balance between the spiritual and the material. Reversed it can mean the opposite – that we’re trying to ignore our material needs in the name of being spiritual, or we’re denying our soul’s call in order to feel safe.

The Three of Crystals reversed – It's time to think outside of the box.  What seems like the practical choice may be just the opposite. Even if they are just small steps, choose to prioritize your happiness, your creativity, your vitality.  Small steps matter – they don’t have to be for a purpose.  You can write for your own enjoyment, or learn a new skill, or just trade some tv or social media time for something that might be more fulfilling.

This playlist is really geared towards helping you feel through the stuckness so you can get to the transformation.  The songs I picked all kind of had an element of feeling pain, but choosing something through it.  Including a song with Jessi McNeal who I had the pleasure of playing with for our single release show here in Seattle, AND our brand new single.

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