How to Never Get What you Want.

Have you ever read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho? In it, the protagonist goes on this massive adventure, only to end up right back where he started.

I've been feeling like that when it comes to knowing what I want out of life.

When you're a kid and you have no sense of disappointment, it's easy to list your desires without concern for if they are possible.

You can want to be a pink pegasus shape shifting princess and the adults around you find it delightful.

But as we get older, really owning what we want get's harder. We either get over fixated on trying to get it in a specific way (for example - getting so focused on winning the Eurovision with your band fire saga in order to impress your dad that you TOTALLY miss out on what a loyal hottie your bandmate is) or we convince ourselves if it hasn't happened yet, it will never happen.

So that is why *regal trumpet sounds here* this week's Moody Monday is about exploring the ways we tell ourselves we don't know what we want, when what we really mean is "I'm afraid of what I want".

You know. Just a chill little mini-concert on the internets.

Check the replay out below, and let me know what next Monday's theme should be.