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It can be so easy to lose your center around the Holidays.

Sure, there’s lots of fun to be had- parties with your friends, cozy nights in with a hot cup of something delicious and a new show, twinkle lights, comfort foods everywhere, and the sense of wonder and beauty that can come with a bit of snow.

With that, though, there is a heavy side of family obligation, social expectation, and even just criticizing yourself as you think of where you thought you would be versus where you actually are at the end of a the year.

If you feel that wild spark getting dimmed in the long dark chill of December, this photo challenge is for you - it’s a reminder to connect with yourself and what brings you joy (through your camera or phone) every day for the next month.

(if any of these themes don’t resonate with you, go off book and make your own! The point isn’t to follow the challenge perfectly, it’s to be a platform to reconnect daily with your magic + wholeness)

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  1. Favorite Qualities -

    Ok, this is admittedly a little hard to take a picture of BUT I think it’s important to start off with remembering what’s GREAT about who you are. Take a selfie or pick a picture of yourself that you love if you don’t have a photo that clearly demonstrates those qualities and then let us know in the caption what you love about you.

  2. Cozy Ritual

    What’s your favorite way to lean into the season. We’ve all got some sort of indoor makes you feel good routine. Do you change into your favorite sweatpants and make some hot cocoa? Or take a long hot shower before going to bed early? What makes you feel good when the weather outside is dreary and grey>

  3. Personal Hero

    Who is #goals in your inner word? You know the old interview question: Who would you invite (living, dead, or fictional) to a dinner party? Who is that person, and what is it about them that inspires you?

  4. Self Date/Artist Date

    Take yourself out either for a night of self romance, or a night of creative re-energization and show us the proof.

  5. Quote that Inspires You

    This is pretty self explanatory. If you don’t have one off of your head, Instagram and Pinterest are full of them. You might have to dig through some eye-rollers, but the process of finding an inspiring quote can be just as inspiring as the quote itself sometimes.

  6. Theme Song

    Ally McBeal style (do you remember that show?) what song is playing in the background when you walk into the room as your best, most bad ass self?

  7. Favorite Look

    Dress up is fun! Show us what makes you feel confident, sparkly, strong, magic, whatever these days!

  8. Dream Home

    If money were no object, what qualities does your dream home have? Is it a cabin in the woods? A sweet, modern loft? Your current place, but with a hired cleaner?

  9. What’s your sign?

    Inquiring minds want to now, what’s your sun sign?

  10. Favorite Color

    Pretty Self Explanatory

  11. Best Friend -

    Who’s your best friend? How did you meet? What is the best story you got about why they are THE BEST.

  12. Favorite Family Memory

    Chosen or biological - what’s the best time you’ve had with the people you consider so closest to you?

  13. Pet/Kid Love

    Show off your dependents! If you don’t have a pet or a kid, show off other people’s. If you don’t like either pets or kids, show us your art.

  14. One Weird Fact

    What’s something no one would suspect about you? The most obscure and charming you trivia.

  15. Make Something

    Make something. Anything that gives you a sense of creative energy and joy. Then show it off.

  16. Favorite Local Artist (visual)

    Ok, I’m bringing in my own agenda here because you may or may not have a current favorite local artist - but you should. So maybe this requires a little bit of researching Instagram on your part but BELIEVE ME you’ll be glad you did. You may just find a gift out of it.

  17. Adventure Selfie

    Go on an adventure. Take a selfie. Don’t do anything damaging to the wild or potentially damaging to yourself while you’re at it.

  18. Favorite Local Coffee Shop

    Ok, so maybe this is easier for me in Seattle than it is other places, but coffee shops can be excellent community centers and people watching hubs. If you don’t have one (or if it’s a Starbucks) go out and explore what other options are out there. You may find yourself delighted by what is going on in your neighborhood.

  19. Hot Beverage

    You might end up getting this particular shot while at that local coffee shop, or maybe you stage it at home. I spend a lot of time looking at people’s pictures of latte art, not going to lie.

  20. Make a Wish

    The great thing about wishes is they don’t have to be practical. You don’t have to know how they will come to pass. You just think of a thing you’d really really like, and then you let it float out into the magical void.

  21. Light

    On the longest night of the year, find your light. Candles. Twinkle lights, Lamps. Connect with what light means to you, and how you can find it whenever and wherever you are.

  22. Recieve

    Take a second to let the experiance of life IN. This is kind of an abstract prompt, use it however you want. How do you receive? What are you currently receiving?

  23. Hope

    What are your hopes for yourself and the world? Connecting with hope is sooooo soooooo important, but we often times damper our optimism in the hopes of avoiding disappointment. Feel the hope. This can be a visual representation of what hope looks like to you, or a photo of you being hopeful, or a collage of things and people that inspire hope in you.

  24. Favorite Traditions

    This doesn’t have to be a seasonal tradition, simply what traditions give you a sense of legacy with family and community? What lights you up?

  25. Dream Day

    This is a question that is asked in entrepreneurial and life design circles a lot - if you had one perfect day, what would it look like? How would it start? What would it include? Would you work? If so, what kind? How long?

  26. Self Care

    Insert Bath bomb, face mask, book and tea, post nap bed pictures here. Use this as an excuse if you need to. You deserve some self care.

  27. Favorite Local Music

    If you don’t have a favorite local band or musician, you are missing out on having awesome, memorable evenings usually for less than $15 dollars. Get you a favorite local band. If you’re in Seattle, might I recommend my own.

  28. Meditate

    What does this look like for you? Because it’s not just sitting on a pillow. It can be walking. Stream of consciousness writing. Zoning out to your favorite songs. Lately, I’ve been really enjoying Jessica Snow's Guided Meditations.

  29. Celebrate (or Gratitude)

    Really really really what is worth celebrating in your life right now? What is naturally light and joyous and delicious. Enjoy. Indulge. Raise a toast. Celebrate (or be grateful if that’s more your style)

  30. Favorite 2019 Memory

    It’s almost over - and if yours was anything like mine it’s been a BIT ROUGH. But even amidst all of the challenges there have been some bright spots. So pick ONE. What was the absolute most wonderful part of 2019.

  31. Dream

    This is my favorite part of the New Year, dreaming up what I would like to experiance in the next 12 months. Let yourself go wild, run outside of the realm of what you deem easily possible. What is your dream for 2020?

I’ll be posting my one photos for each of these topics so follow along @feralasfolk and tag me and use the hashtag #SovereignSolstice so I can see your posts on Instagram if you want to play along.

Here’s to a season centered in fierce joy and wild interconnected delight.

Allie LaRoeComment