A quick Update (and a new song)

I'm taking a day off today to rest up before I get really serious about trying to figure out how to make up for lost show income through may (sigh), BUT I wanted to hop on here and send you a quick email to let you know a) the next streaming show is THIS SATURDAY at 2:30 pm and you can watch it on the website.

The second thing I wanted to let you know about, is this sweet song I just posted to Facebook and Instagram as a thankyou to everyone whose been helping me through these rough and terrifying times.

Thank you 1000000 to those of you who have been able to hang out with me on my streams, who have bought me a "ko-fi", who got music through band camp, joined my patreon or upped my patreon, or just reached out to tell me you were thinking of me.  It's really made all of this not only bareable, but humblingly beautiful - and it lets me stay focused on creating more and better music and videos for you. 

Check out the video below and don't forget to let me know what you think on the facebook post it's embeded from. 
