Hi. We’re the Feral Folk. An Independent Folk (sorta) Rock trio out of Seattle, Washington.
We’re going to talk about ourselves in a second, but first we want to talk about music.
There’s no right reason to pick up an instrument (though I would argue there are a few wrong ones...)
Some musicians want to entertain, others just want to have a good time and bring the world along for the ride.
For me? Allie? (the songwriter and person making this website)
I want to get as close to magic as I can.
Our songs, concerts, and albums are meant to slip you out of the ordinary. I write music to transmute struggle into adventure and make you the hero. I weave fairy tale imagery into contemporary situations for your daily enchantment infusion. I, well, I get really into this so you’ll have to check out the blog for my full thoughts.
I’ve been incredibly lucky to have a few talented companions in my party.
That tall lanky guy in the pictures? That’s Jeffrey Scott. He plays bass for the band. He’s also the organized one who makes sure we show up with all of our cables and drumsticks multiple hours before we’re supposed to play.
The dashing fellow with the goofy grin is Patrick James. He’s annoyingly multi-talented. He plays our drums, records and co-produces our albums, AND he plays the studio guitars while I run screaming at the mention of the word “click track” . He’s also arguably the funniest of us, but we never give him a microphone so you’ll have to talk to him yourself to find out.
Upcoming Dates
Catch Allie as part of the Panel Jumper live and streaming performance July 8th - Tickets here
Join the our Feral Fam of Existential Wayfarers and Wild hearts.
Mailing lists are stupid. This isn’t a mailing list.
This is an ongoing conversation about life, art, and crafting an extraordinary existence.
As a bonus you also get updates on our creative projects, early access to releases, and a special exclusive birthday song sent to you on your birthday.
This is what we’ve been up to...
The Going Feral Blog